Biskup Morski Karlskrona marina 2019
Cor Cordis 2018
Location: Högastenskolan Helsingborg 
Växa upp / Grow Up ,  200 cm, aluminium, completed  aug 2018 
Location: Rosendalsskolan Gothenburg 
Peruuk 1998 - 2012, 
(Based on an eighteenth century caricature of Louis XIV)
42 x 18 x 20 cm, Acrystal Metal
Public Art Agency Sweden  2012
Location: Campus Skellefteå, Sweden
Lock Pick  2009, Public Art Agency Sweden, Public Art Uppsala  
Flock and Row 2008 -2011 
Dimensions Variable. Iron Keys, Concrete

Public Art Agency Sweden  2011

Location: Ministry for Foreign Affairs New York

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