Presentation of the exhibition "They call us heads" 2024, Helena Mutanen Kulturcentrum Ronneby Konsthall 
(In Swedish without subtitles)
Interview at Multeum 2021 The exhibition Chambre Séparée, Helena Mutanen Kulturhuset Multeum 2021, (In Swedish without subtitles)
Film 1, The Child on the Stove is a story about a prematurely born child. The story describes events in Karelia, eastern Finland in 1931. Told in Swedish with English subtitles.

Film 1 was shown in the exhibition Narratio at Norrtäljekonsthall in September 2013

Film 4 Sanna, It is My mother Raija who tells about stories she heard in her childhood. She grew up in Karelia, eastern Finland. She tells about Sanna, who was her grandmother. Sanna was a fortune teller and midwife. She took care of the sick and the dead, among other things. (Told in Swedish without subtitles)

Film 4 was shown in the exhibition Narratio at Norrtäljekonsthall in September 2013

"Allukka", Sound installation at SPGallery Stockholm, exhibition "Fragment" 2010
Performance "Mumie" at "Grundis" art school 1989

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